Operating Hours Preunegg Jet 2024
Operation times of the 8-seater cable car Reiteralm Preunegg Jet:
18th May until 3rd November 2024
from 8.45 a.m. until 5.00 p.m.
- 18th until 20th May (public holiday in Austria)
Saturday until Monday
Please note: no operation from 21st till 29th May
- 30th May until 2nd June (30th May is a public holiday in Austria)
Thirsday until Sunday - 7th until 9th June
Friday until Sunday - 14th until 16th June
Friday until Sunday - 21st until 23rd June
Friday until Sunday
from Friday, 28th June until Monday, 9th September
Please note: no operation from 10th till 12th September
- 13th until 16th September
Friday until Monday - 20th until 23rd September
Friday until Monday - 27th until 30th September
Friday until Monday - 4th until 7th October
Friday until Monday - 11th until 14th October
Friday until Monday - 18th until 21st October
Friday until Monday
- 25th October until 3rd November
(subject to change)
(no matter the weather)
Video: Summer mountain experience on the Reiteralm!
How to get to the summer gondola Preunegg Jet:
Sommerbahn Preunegg Jet
Preunegg 70
8973 Schladming
GPS/GMS: 47°22'29"N - 13°36'48,82"E
>>Download Skizze Ansicht aus Google Maps
Sommerbahn Preunegg Jet - GPS/GMS: 47°22'29"N - 13°36'48,82"E
Attention - cable car in Gleiming = only winter operation
Reiteralm Silver Jet
Gleiming 34
8973 Schladming
Fageralm - NO cable car operation in the summer!
The hiking and recreation area of the Fageralm is easily accessible via the Fageralmstraße.